Art FASHION Shoes and Accessories

Accessory Spotting: Romney Dodd’s Hand Painted Clogs

Written by Tanner

Hand painted clogs are all the rage up North

So after traveling to hell and back, aka, LaGuardia to O’Hare to Seattle, to finally landing down in Anchorage, Alaska, I am so over flying, airport coffee, and tight, confined seating. I left the city streets of NYC for the wide open spaces of the Last Frontier to spend the holidays with family – and the two worlds couldn’t be any different! It’s always interesting traveling from NY back home to Alaska: as you head further west, and further north, you start to notice that not only is the scenery changing, but the people change too. Designer pumps and handbags are replaced by sweatpants, ratty buns, REI backpacks, and Keens.

Another thing I almost forget about Alaska is that EVERYBODY and their mothers, and their brothers, and their dogs wear clogs! You know, like the little wooden shoes made popular by the Dutch – yeah, people actually wear them. And they certainly are wearing the hell out of them in A-town. It makes sense; they’re easy to slip on and off, you don’t have to lace them, they’re water proof for the most part, and they elevate you over the snow and ice. The down side? They’re hideous. Hate to be blunt, but let’s call a clog a clog, and they are uuuugggggly.

However, not all clogs are created equally, and that is certainly the idea Alaskan artist Romney Dodd is spreading. Dodd has established a reputation and has quite the following of fans – all obsessed with her hand painted clogs. They are stunning, wearable works of art, all 100% original. At $227 a pair, they make for a great gift for men and women alike – view the collection on!

About the author


Tanner is a cool cat from Alaska who left the arctic in search of the hot fashion scene in NYC. He stays hydrated in the heat drinking coconut flavored anything and warm in the cold by cocooning himself in layers of his hand knit scarves. His current obsession? Mixing his drink with equal parts of Diet Sierra Mist and the Dolly Parton station on Pandora


  • Hello. I grew up on Pioneer Drive, so maybe that can explain some things. But seriously, these are ALL THE RAGE up there – I guess you just had to be there?! I still think they are fabulous, soooooooooo…