Adult Health

AirPods Give Off Radiation, Wireless Headphones May Be Dangerous

Written by andy

Just more proof corded headphones are the way to go!

Since Apple released the iPhone 7, people have been in an uproar about the lack of headphone jack. Apple has tried to make up for it by providing purchasers with a set of AirPods, a pair of wireless earbuds. However, very few users have found the AirPods a better, more convenient option. Between the risk of losing the AirPods and the poor battery life, most people just want their old earbuds!

Now, it looks like AirPods are more than just a pain—they may be dangerous…

A professor at the University of California Berkeley is making it very clear that he believes the Bluetooth-powered headphones may be doing more harm than good. For the layman, Bluetooth is basically a form of radiowaves that provides connectivity between devices. However, what you might not know is that those radiowaves can be harmful. Research has shown that Bluetooth radiowaves can wear down the blood-brain barrier. This barrier is vital for protecting your brain, keeping out toxins. The more you use Bluetooth headphones so close to your brain, the greater the risk!

Pretty harsh to hear, isn’t it? Apple claims that the microwave emissions of their AirPods are “well within FCC guidelines”, but that’s not very comforting, is it? Especially when you consider that Bluetooth headphones are basically little microwaves! Just like you wouldn’t put your head in a microwave for hours every day, you may want to avoid using Bluetooth headphones.

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The truth is that more than 200 experts on Bluetooth technology believe the FCC guidelines are not stringent enough. The guidelines were put in placed years ago, long before Bluetooth technology became a part of everyday life. They have been occasionally updated, but scientists believe not enough. The guidelines are “inadequate” when it comes to protecting human health.

Let’s be clear: it’s still unknown what the long-term effects of using Bluetooth devices are. Bluetooth technology hasn’t been around long enough to gauge the long-term effects. However, the studies into the effects of Bluetooth technology have all pointed to potential risks. People who are exposed to the sort of microwaves used in Bluetooth devices are at a higher risk of health problems. While it’s unclear what those problems are or how long they take to manifest, the evidence is there! It’s up to the smart consumer to avoid that kind of potentially harmful exposure.

So what does that mean for users of the iPhone 7, AirPods, and all other Bluetooth headphones? Should you throw your headphones in the trash and go back to the good old-fashioned wired headphones? If you care about reliability and safety from radiation, the answer is definitely more “yes” than “no”. If you’re going to use headphones to listen to music, watch videos, or talk on your cell phone, it’s always best to go with the corded option. There is no radiation from corded headphones, so you are much safer.

Now, will Bluetooth devices give you cancer or destroy your brain overnight? Probably not! You can use your Bluetooth-powered headphones and earphones for years without ever seeing a side effect. But do you want to find out “too late” that Bluetooth really does cause problems? Yes, Bluetooth and wireless technology may be the way of the future, but that doesn’t mean it’s fully safe. Our advice: do more research into the dangers of Bluetooth, and learn for yourself what it means to use devices that emit that sort of radiowaves so close to your brain!

About the author


Some people get lucky and are born with fit, toned bodies. Andy Peloquin is not one of those people... Fitness has come hard for him, and he's had to work for it. His trials have led him to becoming a martial artist, an NFPT-certified fitness trainer, and a man passionate about exercise, diet and healthy living. He loves to exercise--he does so six days a week--and loves to share his passion for fitness and health with others.

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