As a newly inaugurated carnivore (I’m still down wit tofu. Don’t front), I have been slowly honing my skills in the meat department. Turkey at Thanksgiving? Kewl. A little chicken in my ensalada? I’m all for it. Bacon’s been a little harder for me – as the smell nauseates me to no end. But sitting around last night with my roommates, discussing various bacon ‘life necessities’ including my roommate’s new bacon candle (Nice work Jess! Not kosher, though?), bacon chapstick, bacon vodka etc., I began to wonder, while they all had their bacon boners, how I could contribute to their bacon love for the holidays. Thank the LORD, I’ve found it, in this meat nativity scene. Looks simple enough to construct, no?
Now, I’m only a couple of mini-wieners, slabs of bacon & sausages away from the meatiest, most magical Christmas ever.
Lady GaGa strikes again.
I think roasting the baby Jesus is a straight to burn in hell sin. 😉
Looks as if someone had quite a bit of time on her hands…creative.