Because Everything Should Taste Like Bacon

Written by Emily

I know what you’re thinking.  “Emily, you need to stop writing about bacon.”  I get it, I’m over the hate mail, but I feel like I have at least 4 other people out there with me on this.  Yeah I write about great advances in the bacon world like Bacon Jam and what not, but this is probably the best thing since Bakon, the bacon flavored vodka.

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Thanks to J&D I bring to you MMMvelopes!  Never before have I been more excited to pay my Amex bill.  With MMMvelopes, lick your way out of  bacon cravings while paying your bills! I’m glad someone was thinking because we have freaking robots and shit, but our envelopes still taste like belly button lint??  Eff that I say.  If you’re all sorts of kosher, you can still get your bacon on because its not real bacon obviously.  These guys are really thinking.

Now that I got your bacon induced attention, I really know what you are thinking.  “Okay, I gots my bacon craving on, but I gots no bills to pay.  Now what?!”  Well, get your bacon lip balm.  From the SAME GUYS.  It’s $3.99 and I have some very dirty things going through my head.  Altoids are sooo 2009 if ya know what I mean. Now it’s all about the bacon lip balm.  Visit all of their crazy products here and if they happen to read this, feel free to send some stuff our way, it wont go to waste.

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About the author


a native New Yorker with an enormous brain that's on a never-ending quest for high style, men with accents, and any place with a disco ball. Fastest way to her heart is a guy that loves sushi and knows the difference between "there," "their," and "they're."


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