Beware, Ladies. Upskirting is Legal in Georgia.

Written by Bryce

We were horrified to learn that upskirting is actually LEGAL in the great state of Georgia.

If you’re wondering exactly what upskirting is to begin with, it’s best described as using a hidden camera to look directly up a woman’s skirt. A lot of pervs and creeps pull this off by attaching small, discreet cameras to their shoes and quickly positioning their feet just below or between a woman’s legs without her noticing — it’s common on sidewalks, in grocery store lines, or just about anywhere else you think a creep might strike (which, obviously, is everywhere). While some of the creeps use their upskirting images for their own personal amusement, many go on to actually SELL the images to all sorts of inappropriate and horrible websites, and often those video clips include full body and face shots of the women victims. Beyond not cool, but thankfully it’s illegal in most places.

back of skirt

Upskirting is totally legal in Georgia, however, because in the South creeps have rights.

How do we know, you ask? Because a guy in Perry, Georgia was recently found guilty of something called ‘criminal invasion of privacy’ for taking a variety of upskirting videos (in a grocery store, obviously), but he appealed and WON. The Georgia Court of Appeals decided that because the wording wasn’t precisely against upskirting, it was technically LEGAL.

“According to Georgia law, it’s illegal for “[a]ny person, through the use of any device, without the consent of all persons observed, to observe, photograph or record the activities of another which occur in any private place and out of public view.” But read the last part closely — the defendant acted in a public place, so the law didn’t apply. And unfortunately, the appeals court agreed.”

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So just to be crystal clear here, it’s totally mega okay to violate a woman’s rights in Georgia so long as you violate them in public. Upskirting is legit in the post office, a soccer game, the produce aisle, the mall, or just about anywhere else so long as it’s not a bathroom or private home.

Sigh, Georgia.

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About the author


Bryce Gruber is a Manhattanite mom who can be found jet-setting off to every corner of the globe. She loves exotic places, being fully rested and writing for some of the world's most popular news outlets.