Bryce Gruber’s Thoughts of the Day (new beginnings edition)

Written by Bryce

It took a year, but it finally all evened out…

I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring. -David Bowie

1. The seeds we plant grow to be big, unexpected trees… Every single day we wake up and plant a ton of seeds. We don’t usually know what kinds of seeds we’re planting- we just go about our lives planting these seeds. Sometimes haphazardly, sometimes with great intention. For me, it seems all the intentional seeds somehow end up in unexpected places (like where TheLuxurySpot is now vs where I thought it’d go when I started it over 3 years ago), and all the unintentional seeds take my life in the most emotionally profitable directions (like every single time I’ve made a new friend I never expected to make).

2. Speaking of last year’s seeds… If you’ve been reading this site for a while, I’m sure you’re probably already aware of my somewhat hellish episode of Millionaire Matchmaker from late 2010. Over 60 hours of filming were cut down to about 12 minutes of actual airtime, and the result didn’t end up very cute for my cast-mate Derek or myself. They made him look like a buffoon, and me a snobbish girl only familiar to a life of extravagance and obnoxiousness. Every person that knows Derek and myself personally knows these things couldn’t be more untrue, but good TV is good TV, and that’s all it boils down to. I remember feeling really upset and personally hurt about a year ago when the episode aired and the whole country thought, “wow, that Bryce Gruber girl is a real number.” I had a choice. I could either snap back at Patti and the producers in the moment and expose the show and the show’s star for the REAL reality, or I could let it go and let my true personality emerge for those smart enough to pay closer attention. I chose the latter for two reasons: because fighting evil with evil is seldom effective, and because it simply takes too much energy to fight stupid fights. I signed up for the nonsense, and I had to take responsibility for it. Nearly a year later, Patti dug her own hole on WWHL with Andy Cohen. She embarrassed herself, her producers, and just about every single Jew, homosexual, and minority in the entire country… and suddenly the tides turned and the press wanted to know what REALLY happened. It felt good to get the truth out in InTouch Weekly, Perez Hilton, and every other tabloid out there.

3. I Love Florida. I mean, have I said that before? If I haven’t, I’m sorry, because it’s just so true. I love, love, love Florida. It’s my other home, where a ton of my friends are, and where my mind, body, and soul feel most at peace. I spent the past 5 days traveling around South Florida with my son, my best homo (Gary), and a couple select other awesome people… we beached, we pooled, we laughed, we cried (a lot- but it was refreshing), and I learned that everyone on Earth has their one special place they feel safe, happy, and peaceful. Some people call that place “mom’s house” or the cabin in the mountains they used to go on vacation with their grandparents, or even a local Sephora (trust me, about 40% of the people in our office call Sephora their true home).

Where is your special place?

About the author


Bryce Gruber is a Manhattanite mom who can be found jet-setting off to every corner of the globe. She loves exotic places, being fully rested and writing for some of the world's most popular news outlets.