Heather Morris from “Glee” has finally joined the ranks of Scarlett Johansson, Blake Lively, and a multitude of other C-list fame whores (Rihanna excluded), by snapping some naughty shots of herself buck ass NEKKID and have the photos leaked on the interwebs. Meh. Shit happens. We’re not posting the pics here because we’re classy like that, but you can see them here if ya must. Look, I’m not going to go into any lectures about the consequences of slutting it up on your iPhone because, honestly, if I had Morris’ body, I’d be sending nude pics of myself to everyone I know. However, I will say this: what the hell is up with taking nude pics of yourself and not wearing any make up? I mean, come on, ladies! Go hard or go home. At least throw on some blush on for fuck sakes.
Celeb Spotting: Brittany From “Glee” Nude Photos Leak
Heather Morris from Glee has phone hacked. Leaked naked pics emerge. I yawn.