Bedroom Decor HOME AND REAL ESTATE Interiors Residential

Decor Spotting: The Perfect Fantasy Hideaway

fantasy relaxation nook
Written by Gary

fantasy relaxation nook

Yes, I read a lot. While its true that most of the books I read are trashy YA novels or scary stories, I still enjoy a good 500 page novel as much as the next book nerd that ended up being a super hot gay guy. One of my dreams is to take a weekend trip by myself, shut my phone off, and spend the entire time reading and writing. There is something about being alone in nature, with a good book and a pen that sounds like a fantasy vacation. That is why when I found this photo of the perfect fantasy hideaway I had to share it.

This particular hideaway is a loft built into a greenhouse. Can you imagine how great it would smell? If you are lucky to have a greenhouse and you don’t build one of these, I am going to hunt you down and build it for you. This loft would be perfect for reading, sex, or stargazing. It could also be a great way to hide from your children, because they probably won’t be tall enough to reach you.

Seriously, if you have a greenhouse, please bust out a hammer and nails immediately. It will be a crime against humanity (and all of us living in tiny, cramped NYC apartments) if you don’t.

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About the author


Gary is the gay guy that every girl wants to be, and every guy wants to be with (Mostly because he can't get pregnant). He is based in Manhattan, but loves traveling to exotic new people, and sleeping with interesting new places. He is an adventurous writer, digital artist, and game designer that will try almost anything if it makes a good story.
--Instagram: @garyadrianrandall --Twitter: @gadrianrandall

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