Five Examples of Justin Bieber Being a Douche

Justin Bieber Douche

5. He wears sunglasses indoors, at night, during award speeches, for awards which were made up specifically so he could win them (c’mon, the milestone award? That’s like getting a diploma for getting laid in high school.). And then immediately follows with this diarrhea of the mouth:

 “I’m 19 years old. I think I’m doing a pretty good job,” Bieber says in his speech. “Basically from my heart I really just want to say it really should be about to music. It should be about the craft that I’m making. This is not a gimmick and I’m an artist and I should be taken seriously.”

The only thing Justin Bieber needs to seriously take, is a long, hard look in the mirror. I am enjoying this so much, I even included some bonus content. Click the next arrow, if you please.

About the author


Gary is the gay guy that every girl wants to be, and every guy wants to be with (Mostly because he can't get pregnant). He is based in Manhattan, but loves traveling to exotic new people, and sleeping with interesting new places. He is an adventurous writer, digital artist, and game designer that will try almost anything if it makes a good story.
--Instagram: @garyadrianrandall --Twitter: @gadrianrandall

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