The packaging is stunning. Your nerves go wild as you rip off the beautiful wrapping paper and bows. Your eyes are wide open with excitement and anticipation, and then…”awe, you shouldn’t have…” No, seriously, you REALLY shouldn’t have. I mean, what the #*!* is this – are you kidding me?
We’ve all been there. Be it from your foreign uncle, a senile grandmother, or the cooky neighbor next door, we’ve all received a gift at some point in our lives where we thought “WTF?” Gift giving is hard. Finding that perfect gift – even harder when you have a million different people on your list and so little time to get around to every store! Luckily, the buying team at HomeGoods has got your back this holiday season, and has assembled such a wide variety of gift-worthy products that you will be able to find something for everyone on your list, all in one place. And because we love making your shopping experience all the more fun, we’re giving away five gift cards to HomeGoods in this week’s giveaway!
Comment below, tweet at us, post on our Facebook, or over walkie talkie: what is the strangest present you ever received or gifted someone else? (my dad gave me a “Sticker Book of History”…as a 25 year old?) and you could be 1 of 5 lucky winners to win a $20 gift card to HomeGoods, The Official Gift Giving Store!
Up your chances to win by following @HomeGoods on Twitter, and ‘like’ HomeGoods and TheLuxurySpot on Facebook!
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The strangest gift ever I received was a can of Flat Tire. They should of shopped at Home Goods! Liked all and tweeting @goochin
Halloween themed pate spreaders. Weird, right?!
We called it the “Butt-Face” towel. Granny gave my husband a towel that was brown on one half, white on the other…and had Butt monogrammed on the brown side…and Face on the white side. Weird gift. Laugh worthy. Merry Christmas.
The strangest thing I ever receive for a Christmas present was a “car cover”,and a ‘car seat”. What made it so strange is at the time I didn’t own a car, nor have a child. LOL!!
When I was a kid, my dad got me that Pee-Wee Herman talking doll. Holy crap did that thing scare the crap out of me so it got banished to my toy box. However if I got that gift now, I’d be totally pumped.
The strangest present I ever received was a bag of meat – seriously really! and the gift-er knew I am a vegetarian!
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The weirdest gift I ever got was an inflatable garbage can.
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If you can believe it, my aunt once gave me a used bottle of body wash! Yikes!!!
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My husband gave me chinese food
My strangest gift was a par of shoes that were two different sizes.
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I received a bag of coupons LITERALLY IN A PLASTIC BAG!
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I received a porcelain hand as a ring holder. Too embarrassed to even regift that one.
The strangest present I ever received was a toy iron for Christmas…I was 16 years old!!!!! What were they thinking??!! I can laugh about it now but back then, it wasn’t so funny. I remember crying about it.
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When i was a teenager i got a “Utah” Tshirt from a relative. I thought that was pretty weird. lol. @ladyboarder9669
The strangest gift I ever received was a single steak knife. It was not in any packaging just in a gift bag. Thank goodness I didnt just reach in and grab it…it could of been a bloody Christmas. The next year, a potato peeler. Maybe its a theme.
Following on twitter at @juliasdaddy
Strangest thing I ever got was a mailbox, just the mailbox no post and I don’t even have an individual mailbox? not sure why that was even a gift but I was given one.
I gave my husband a golf ball that someone stuck a metal thing into it which you could slide a picture into it. I was going for something golf, and something homemade. Which incorperated both… 🙂
Strangest gift? A box of 1000 packets of Equal. From my *[ex]-husband.
The weridest gift I ever got was a keychain that looked like a dead animal. I thought it was cruel at the same time
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The weirdest gift I have ever gotten was a coffee table of hottest men from the ’80’s. The cover featured a shirtless David Hasselhoff. Weird but amusing 🙂
the strangest gift i ever received was a CD from a then BF, & now x-BF. total loser gift as far as i was concerned.
I honestly can’t think of anything. The other answers are amusing though!
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I once got a pair of Hooters oven mitts from an ex.
The oddest ( and ugliest I might add ) was this curler bag made to look like a doll with floppy legs. My Mother has odd taste. Follow on twitter as @wins4me
Once, I got a well constructed in my name (as in the thing that pumps) in a Cambodian village with no running water. A year later, the village caught fire and my well saved it!
The strangest gift I’ve ever received was a beef stick. The most embarrassing gift I’ve ever received was a training bra from Limited Too in 3rd grade from “Mrs. Claus” in my stocking (Thanks, Mom).
I once dated *cringes* a deer hunter. I asked him what he wanted for Christmas and he replied *cringes again* “Huntin’ Stuff.” On my quest for “Huntin’ Stuff” I found a Deer Urine Scented Candle. Yes, you heard that right, a deer piss candle. I thought it was too funny and had to get it for him. Needless to say, we broke up soon after.
the strangest thing I got was a bag of homemade sausage. It was really good though!
A tube of toothpaste was given to me.My teeth are great-they were just cheap.
I got a haunted Groucho Marx Ventriloquist doll from my father… he said he’d gotten it for me just to see the look on my face when I opened the HUGE box. I sold it on eBay after a few months b/c it threw its cigar at me.
my dad got me a letter opener for christmas once. wish i were kidding.
Strangest gift was getting a girl doll when I was very little. What’s so weird? It definitely wasn’t a girl when I changed it’s clothing! My mom didn’t know how to explain why my baby doll had a different private part at the time 🙂
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My sister once gave me a rhinestone covered toilet plunger for Christmas. Ever since, the toilet plunger has been gifted to someone in the family each Christmas.
leggings from dollar general …. real cute ..i love home goods!
My aunt gave me the most horrible sweater; 10 sizes too big, yet somehow a belly-showing sweater, RED with metallic red tinsel and festive pom-poms… Yikes!
I don’t want to say who – but gave me a nose hair plucker:)
as a “gag” christmas gift an old boyfriend (you will see why) gave me a ring box with a lump of coal – Not so funny
For Christmas, I gave a guy pal a blue and white softball sized egg which vibrated. I actually thought it was supposed to massage away shoulder aches and pains, after all, it was sold at a high end department store. What could I have been thinking?!
Crank radio from my inlaws.
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valentine socks when I was a teenager — uh, re-gift much??
My aunt gave me the exact same umbrella three years in a row. Same color. Same brand.
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The craziest gift I ever got was a Transformer. I’m 52, I’ve never watched any of the movies, and have no idea why I got this gift.
Oh yeah now you have asked this question i might have to start checking the people in my life and give them lists, that they HAVE to follow. I once got a game called Knowledge for Christmas, and I was not a child. I’ve NEVER heard of this game,has anyone?
Of gifts I might redo: the beautifully illustrated book about medieval life and castles, I gave my adult son….probably a throwback reaction to receiving a birthday card, from a close relative, with 16 dimes taped on, for my 16th b-day! Maybe I was supposed to call more often?
The weirdest gift was actually not given to me but to my bf on his bday from his mom. She have him a sauce pan… When he asked her about it she said that its so I could make him beans…lmao. Thats the first time I got a gift on someone elses bday!
my parents gave me a toothbrush for chanukah!
Slut & angel soap
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The strangest gift I ever recieved was a naked santa shower curtain of Santa showering!
I received a loofah bath sponge from one of my great aunts. Practical? Yes. But the weirdest part was that she spent a lot of time packaging it, as it was neatly (and quite ornately) wrapped in a gift box. SURPRISE!
one of my boyfriends gave me wiperblades for christmas one year
I received a box of sanitary napkin from one of my friends for birthday. I think she meant it as a prank, but her present is useful nonetheless. :p
I received perfume from mil – and yes, she knew I had allergy issues with perfume
Not sure if this is strange, or just mean
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Once my sister gave me a head. Yes, a head. No idea where she managed to find it! It’s a really hideous-looking, hairless, mannequin head (for modeling hats maybe?). She’s not an *all*-bad head, though. Her name is Sabrina and she’s come in handy over the years as a ‘stunt double’ in movies or for frightening unsuspecting people. 🙂
The weirdest gift I ever got was a thong from my step mom. At the time she was planning her wedding to my dad. She had never bought a thong before but she found one that she thought was really comfortable and bought some for her honeymoon and the same panties for me and my sister. Awkward!
The strangest present I ever received was an autographed picture from American Idol – and I don’t even watch the show.
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