These designers should have double-checked their letter spacing work.
As a graphic designer (yes, I do that in addition to writing crazy things), I always make a point to double and triple check my work. When you are creating something that is going to be printed in public, it’s really important to make sure there are no hidden sexual innuendos, miscommunications, or liability for lawsuits.
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It boggles my mind that there are people out there sending things to print without making fully sure they are perfect and can’t be misconstrued as vulgarity. Basically, whoever designed these signs should have paid more attention to letter spacing, because these mistakes are offenses to human intelligence for sure. This type of stuff is totally why aliens are out there feeling pretty confident that they can come down and probe us for no reason.
So, public school teachers of America, I beg you (really, this is the blog format for begging)… PLEASE TEACH KIDS ABOUT LETTER SPACING. It’s as important as any other grammar rule, but perhaps weightier. Also, if you’re confused by the last couple photos in this lot, you’re a good human. The raunchier, more evil-inclined humans among us will not read the words as ‘flick’ or ‘flickering.” The “L” and the “I” letters look merged to to form a “U”, and if you start spelling out F… U… anyway, letter spacing is important, and now I think you can fully appreciate such.