Adult Health Family Health

20 ways to naturally increase brain power

Written by andy

Your brain is truly an amazing creation! You’ll find that there are many things that expand your mind, and yet feeding it simple foods is a good way to keep it growing. Your brain is capable of doing some awesome things, but you’ll have to stimulate it to boost its function.

Here are 20 great ways to boost your brain power naturally:

  1. Draw something – to stimulate the right side of your brain and get creative.
  2. Get exercise – which has been proven to boost long-term brain function and create brand new neurons in your brain. Plus, you get a natural high thanks to the brain chemicals produced via exercise.
  3. Meditate – a pastime that can help to reduce stress, increase your IQ, and promote more active brain function. Meditating can also activate the part of your brain that controls your ability to think and perform: the prefrontal cortex.
  4. Stay away from junk food – this food decreases energy in your brain and can even cause a “fog” to form in your mind.
  5. Study a language – it has been proven that learning improves your speech centers in the brain and adds additional structure to your highly organized mind.
  6. Take fish oil – the foul-tasting stuff is loaded with DHA and EPA, two chemicals that will boost your focus and strengthen your brain’s emotional center!
  7. Breathe – deep breathing has been proven to boost brain function by increasing oxygen flow and saturation in the brain. Even just a few minutes a day can do wonders.
  8. Laugh – as enjoyment and laughter causes your brain to release endorphins to increase your wellbeing and reduce pain. Laughter is also great at fighting stress.
  9. Drink red wine – it’s not just tasty, but the antioxidants in the wine will protect your brain from decay.
  10. Have a debate – healthy debate increases your thinking abilities and helps you to apply logic to conversations.


  1. Get your vitamins – having a multivitamin  will help to balance out the nutrients in your body, feeding your brain all the vital amines it needs to function.
  2. Listen to music – because music helps to strengthen the right side of your brain and changes its structure positively.
  3. Fight stress – as stress reduces brain function, kills brain cells, and stops you from thinking clearly and reacting quickly.
  4. Have a positive attitude – your positivity will increase your brain power, improve your ability to rationally solve problems, and make your brain work more quickly when confronted with a challenge.
  5. Set goals – the act of setting goals activates the part of the brain that controls action and proactive thinking. It will not just lead to boosted brain power, but greater success in every area of your life!
  6. Write – writing helps to increase your memory, enables you to express your thoughts more easily, and helps you to analyze your thoughts. Whether you write a journal entry, a blog post, a letter, or an article, write!
  7. Sleep – because sleeping clears out the clutter that fills your mind, freeing it of unimportant thoughts. Your brain also needs sleep in order to function properly, so a good night’s sleep can be the difference between a clear memory and a foggy one.
  8. Do puzzles – crossword puzzles, math puzzles, word puzzles, or jigsaw puzzles. They all stimulate your brain effectively.
  9. Read – the more you read, the better!
  10. Turn off the T.V. – it’s just stopping you from using your brain, and filling it with useless information.

Your brain is a powerhouse – use it!

About the author


Some people get lucky and are born with fit, toned bodies. Andy Peloquin is not one of those people... Fitness has come hard for him, and he's had to work for it. His trials have led him to becoming a martial artist, an NFPT-certified fitness trainer, and a man passionate about exercise, diet and healthy living. He loves to exercise--he does so six days a week--and loves to share his passion for fitness and health with others.

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