TweetBookmark our DIY infected earlobe treatment ideas if you love cheap earrings. I got my ears...
Category - BEAUTY
Those Pimple Popping Videos are Really Sebum Plugs, and...
TweetStop picking, those sebum plugs are meant to be there. I’m one of those people who...
How to Make Your Vag Look Good? Skincare for Down There, Obvi
TweetWondering how to make your vag look good? This brand is making high end skincare for...
Sunburn in Winter is Real, Here’s Why You Need Sunscreen...
TweetThe suburn in winter threat is real, friend. Look, getting a sunburn in summer is bad enough...
Your gross blackheads could be your next paycheck.
TweetPut down the Biore strip, friend. This is about to take a very weird, wild, and possibly...
13 Tips For Running In Cold Weather
TweetRunning in cold weather is the fitness trend we expect to really take off this winter. Winter...
13 Ways to Prevent Chipped Nails
TweetChipped nails? Never again. Do these make you sad? They make me sad. Chipped nails just...