Celebrate the Oregon militia occupation with some gay Twitter fan-fiction.
I don’t know much about the Oregon militia situation, mostly because it hasn’t really been blasting my Facebook feed. A lot of people say that if it wasn’t a bunch of white guys occupying a building, national media would be covering it, but I really have no idea. I’m not even all that white myself.
All I know is that some cattle ranchers in Oregon have taken a wildlife refuge hostage over some kind of dispute about selling their land, and that Colin Meloy, the lead singer for the Decemberists launched the #bundyeroticfanfic hashtag so that people all over the world could turn this standoff into the beautiful, sexual, gay love affair that it should be. But honestly, this totally reads Brokeback Mountain, doesn’t it?
Read the examples below, and feel free to join in on the Oregon Militia Homoerotic lovefest on Twitter. Peace, love, and little western-looking rainbows with rifles.
READ MORE: Why Can’t I Live in Oregon?