GIF Guide: Are You In Or Are You Out?

Written by corey

There are so many lessons to be learned from Project Runway.

While Project Runway is on its like 10th season, or something outrageous, there is no denying that there are lessons to be learned. For one, Nina Garcia is kind of a bitch and I’m kind of obsessed with it. Two, Heidi Klum still has no clue what she’s up to.

READ MORE: Renaissance Art With A Twist

Unicorns rule everything.

Nina Garcia’s unamused face is law.

Can we have pizza in the work room?

Wine is always working.

Seriously, wine is the answer.

About the author


Corey is a self-proclaimed heiress and the love child of Anne Boleyn and Marie Antoinette. He's a thug in a cocktail dress with a penchant for open-bars and puns. He has his barista's call him Beyonce and he's never been to Brooklyn.

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