If these adorable puppy bellies don’t make you smile, nothing will.
It doesn’t matter whether you have ever had a puppy or not, the sight of a puppy belly should have an immediate effect on you. At first glance, puppy bellies should appear mesmerizing. It calls out to you, begging to be touched, but you feel weird about it, so you refrain. Fight that. Then, the puppy gets on it’s back because it is either desperate for a tummy rub, or tired from all the puppy activities it engages in, like crapping on your new carpet and tearing up the couch. And yet, still you hold back. Fight that, too. Then the puppy begins snoring softly, and you have absolutely no choice but to reach out and stroke the damn thing. When you do, you realize the puppy belly is softer than angel wings, and you totally aren’t freaked out even though technically you are fondling like 30 nipples.
READ MORE: Puppies on Puppies on Puppies
Puppy bellies are a thing, people. They are storming Instagram, Twitter, and the Internet as a whole. I defy you to look at these photos and not want to reach out and touch them. Unless you are Cruella DeVil, of course. In that case, stay as far away from any and all puppies as possible, before PETA comes to drag you back to civility.