Sexiest Album of the Year? XX goes XXX

Written by Emily


The xx has undoubtedly created one of the sexiest albums of the year. xx, released back in August in the UK (the album has its official debut in the U.S. 10/20) had us Luxury Spot ladies gushing, literally.  It’s hard to believe that a group of four 20 year-olds from Southwest London produced such a mature debut album, and one that so brilliantly exudes sex.

With R&B roots and classic “soft pop” type vocals by singer-guitarist Romy Madley Croft (which resemble that of Mazzy Star or even Stevie Nicks), to its avant-garde like guitar riffs, it’s easy to see why the music world is all a flutter.  They stole my heart when I heard their cover of Aaliyah’s Hot Like Fire. The Intro immediately reminded me of Your Hand in Mine by Explosions in the Sky (yes, the theme song to Friday Night Lights, any other fans out there?).

The haunting background of Infinity will take you to back to 1989 with Chris Isaak’s Wicked Game (granted, I was 7 at the time, but still, the song is pretty unforgettable). When vocalists Madley Croft and Sim start echoing each other repeating can’t give it up, you will be captivated. By the time the beat drops in the final minute, you’ll be hooked.

And BTW, If you’re with a special someone and aren’t going at it hot and heavy by the end of the album, you’re a lost cause.

If you’re planning on going to any CMJ shows later this week, please check them out at Mercury Lounge on 10/21.  If you can’t catch them this week, they will be back performing at the Bowery Ballroom on November 11th.  Like Levar Burton says, don’t take my word for it.  

mp3 The xx – xx

About the author


a native New Yorker with an enormous brain that's on a never-ending quest for high style, men with accents, and any place with a disco ball. Fastest way to her heart is a guy that loves sushi and knows the difference between "there," "their," and "they're."

1 Comment

  • title just says it all. the album is so sexy
    its so seductive as well!!! ugh ugh ugh
    i feel like taking my cloithes off and rubbing my body against my computer and pouring olive oil all over me when i listen to them. give it to me XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX babieeeeeeeeeeeeee
    if this album could be converted to human…..i would fuck the shit out of it

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