Instagram’s sexy veterinarian could heal me any day (and all my animal instincts).
As anyone with a hetero vagina knows, when a man loves animals, it makes him much sexier. Dr. Evan Antin (@dr.evanantin) has been blowing up the Internet lately as the world’s sexiest veterinarian (you guys, did you ever think a sexy veterinarian would be a thing?!), and it doesn’t help that all his photos show him loving up on all kinds of animals, from puppies (obviously), to one-eyed owls, snakes, and even alligators. We have no idea if he smells like wood shavings, urine, and flea collars, but honestly we don’t even care. Smell is only one sense and he seems to do it for all the others.
READ MORE: Eight Animals You Didn’t Know Came in Pink
Based in California, Antin was named People magazine’s Sexiest Beast Charmer, and based on these photos, I have to agree. What do you think, though? Would you let him tame the beast inside you?
Hold us. Love us. Teach us your ways.
You sir, can wink at us with your big owl any time of day.