Shark Spotting: A Sleeping Bag That’ll Eat You Alive

Swim for your lives kiddies, this shark’ll swallow you whole!

If you’re sitting there pondering, hmmm, what do I get my pesky little cousin for Christmas?, you’ve come to the right place. This hilarious shark bite sleeping bag, aptly named The Chumbuddy, is the most genius option we’ve seen in ages.

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It has all the perks of a standard sleeping bag, but with a shark-focused design, the little JAWS fan in your life is bound to love.

The Chumbuddy accommodates kids up to 5 feet tall (160 cm) from the corners of its mouth to the tail. It is 2.2 feet (68 cm) wide—big enough to swallow its victims whole! Agh!


sharkbite sleeping bag for kids, chumbuddy

“This blanket bag is awesome,” writes one verified Amazon purchaser. “My 6-year-old, who is pretty tall, absolutely loves it and has plenty of room. It’s a great size, and the not-super-thick material is still durable, soft and warm.”

“It’s a great gift that I highly recommend and it’s well-constructed (looks just like the picture). I will be buying another one for my other son when he gets a bit bigger.”

Another verified purchaser, Shannon, writes, “This is a fun alternative to the mermaid tail blankets! It’s very cute for my shark-loving nephew. I gave it to him for Christmas and he seemed to like it. It looked exactly like the photo.”

If you love this story and photos, join the Luxe Living by Facebook group.

About the author

Elizabeth Mitchell

Born and raised in NC, Liz attended college at NYU before making the move to the City of Angels where she currently resides. She has an uncanny love for all things neon, prefers regular to diet and secretly wishes she were a hipster because it’d be ironic. Follow her on twitter at your own risk: @emitchell456