Shiloh Pitt-Jolie: The Boy Edition.

Written by Ashley

Photo Credit: RadarOnline.com

WTF, Brangelina???!?!  Why does your lovely little lady look like a… for lack of a better word… BOY!?  You are ruining the lovelieness that you ( ahem, two of the most attractive people in the universe) created, with this creep-tastic Chastity Bono-esque get up. Let us remember the good ol days, of pretty faces and frilly socks – strap a dress on this child.  Shall we?

About the author


a fun-loving, twenty-something living in Brooklyn. She spends most of her time absorbing all the life, tofu and whiskey that NYC has to offer. Her current obsessions? BDG High-waisted leggings, vintage boot shopping in Williamsburg, Katherine Kwei's sling bag and Melanie Marie's two-finger horn ring.


  • Uh, come on, aren’t we modern enough women and little girls that we don’t need to conform to the stereotype of what “little girls are made of?”

    On the risk of sounding self important/conceited, I had a short haircut, a little more domed & a little less layered stylish than Shilohs, when I was about 4 or 5 and I loved it. People knew and could tell I was a girl! I can tell Shiloh is a girl.

    No criticism of celebs boys with long, ‘girl’ hair that has been the trend for…how long now, since Cindy Crawford’s boys sported it?

  • What is wrong with you? This is a CHILD. She should wear whatever the fuck she wants. Just because some parents choose to dress their daughters like walking disney princess gender role explosions doesn’t mean that’s normal or natural. Jesus Christ.

  • I’m so with Ashley on this one. There’s a difference between letting your daughter be a tomboy and her looking like a boy. This getup looks like something Samantha Ronson would wear. It’s like her parents decided to ugly her up.

  • Oh please, the “good ol days” when along with dresses and frilly socks women were expected to stay at home and clean? What this child wears or how she has her hair is nobody’s business. She is no less lovely or even female just because she’s dressed like a boy. I bet you’re one of those people who criticised Tom and Katie for putting their daughter in heels?

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