FASHION Outerwear

Style Spotting: Faux Fur is Hot

Written by Tanner

Rock a furry frock!

Faux fur is so hot right now, literally! This is the perfect time of year to rock your furry frock; layer with a ‘fur’ outer layer over a peasant shirt or black turtleneck (love this look) to heat up your Fall look. Since it still warms up during the day, it’s still too early to pull off a full-length coat, but a vest will add enough warmth in the morning and evening, and is still light enough that you won’t overheat during the day. Oh, and let me suggest you opt for faux fur while I’m at it – it’s easy to care for, it’s more affordable, and no animals get hurt in the process!

Love these vests as much as I do? Shop these looks for yourself on!

1. BSABLE Wendy Crop Vest in Gold, 100% Nylon, $352
2. Twelfth Street by Cynthia Vincent Arizona Faux Fur Vest in Brown, 70/30 Modacrylic/Acrylic, $249

A presto, Bambi-ne!

About the author


Tanner is a cool cat from Alaska who left the arctic in search of the hot fashion scene in NYC. He stays hydrated in the heat drinking coconut flavored anything and warm in the cold by cocooning himself in layers of his hand knit scarves. His current obsession? Mixing his drink with equal parts of Diet Sierra Mist and the Dolly Parton station on Pandora

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