The ‘Domestic Bliss’ photo project by Susan Copich highlights the dark side of motherhood.
My mother has straight up told me on several occasions that she considered dropping me and my siblings off at a fire station on more than one occasion, so I am well aware that motherhood isn’t all morning mimosas, bake sales, and perfectly packed lunches.
Parenting is actually pretty fucking hilarious if you think about it, because pretty much everyone with kids feels like they are constantly failing, 90% of the time. All of those people also put on brave faces whenever anyone else is around, and pretend like their lives don’t sometimes suck big monkey dicks.
Susan Copich, a New York actress and mother of two has decided to shed some light on the darker side of motherhood, and I think it’s about damn time. Her photo series depicts some of the darker thoughts that flutter through a mother’s mind on any given day, and will probably strike a chord with any of the real bitches out there who have admittedly popped a baby out of their vaj and then wondered if it was the worst mistake ever.
READ MORE: Can’t Get Pregnant? Why Not Fake a Baby?
So enjoy the pictures. Maybe they will give you the courage to admit that you sneaked a few glasses of wine during your third trimester.
I never had an grand ideal about Motherhood..One thing I didn’t want to mess up so bad that my adult children is living in our basement. So far there not. But I’n planning to spoil our up coming Grand kids. The main reason is so I can hear my sons say…”We didn’t get rid of that crap”…Coffee is on…