Vacuum Spotting: Tryin To Catch Me Ridin Dirty

They see me rollin, they hatin…

Look ma, no hands! Let your kiddies ride out the holidays (while you clean up) with this handy dandy vacuum cleaner we totes wish was real. Now, we’re well aware that this magical mommy helper has been buzzed about for years, but what baffles us the most is that no one has taken the initiative to make the real thing yet. I mean, c’mon people, don’t you know how revolutionary a rideable vacuum could be? Like, mommies everywhere could be chillaxing, relaxing, maxing all cool, watching the Oprah Winfrey Network while their tots did all the chores. Ahhh, now we’d like to see an adult version of this baby too.

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About the author

Elizabeth Mitchell

Born and raised in NC, Liz attended college at NYU before making the move to the City of Angels where she currently resides. She has an uncanny love for all things neon, prefers regular to diet and secretly wishes she were a hipster because it’d be ironic. Follow her on twitter at your own risk: @emitchell456