Whitney Houston Ships Out to Rehab

Written by Steph

In a move that should surprise no one, Whitney took her babbling self to rehab (again). She’s every woman, you guys. That includes women with substance abuse problems. The star has entered an out-patient program on a voluntary basis as part of a “long-standing recovery process.”

In a move that should surprise no one, Whitney took her babbling self to rehab (again). She’s every woman, you guys. That includes women with substance abuse problems. The star has entered an out-patient program on a voluntary basis as part of a “long-standing recovery process.” Basically, she was like, “Body? I’m gonna guard you. Remember that time I was all, ‘crack is wack?’ I mean it this time. Going to rehab, bbls.”

TMZ reports that Whitney began her out-patient program ten days ago. Best of luck to you, diva! In way better, semi-related news, Angela Bassett told USA Today that a Waiting to Exhale sequel is in the works and features all of the ladies from the original cast. That might explain why Whitney is Looney Tunes. Maybe she took her role literally? Time to exhale, babe. It’s been 16 years. Your brain must be Swiss cheese by now.

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a born-and-bred Brooklyn brunette prone to excessive alliteration. Follow her on Twitter @omgstephlol. Read more here.

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