Adult Health Mom Health

15 Foods for Liver Detox

Written by andy

What can you eat to clean out your liver? 15 Foods for Liver Detox:

Your liver is basically your body’s filtration system. Anything that your body doesn’t know how to process gets sent to the liver, where it is either broken down by bile or sent off for disposal. A lot of the toxins and harmful chemicals are trapped in your liver, which can slow down your liver function and lead to health problems.

Thankfully, there are a LOT of foods you eat to help detox your liver! Here are the best foods for liver detox:

  1. Brussels sprouts — These foods are loaded with sulfur, sticky minerals that toxins and cholesterol clings to–making it easier for your body to dispose of the waste. They’re also rich in an antioxidant that protects against liver damage.
  2. Dandelion –– Dandelion leaves can be eaten as a salad, and you’ll find that this salad is one of the best to protect your liver. The root can also be brewed into a detoxifying tea.
  3. Garlic –– Another sulfur-rich food, garlic is an excellent choice to help you get rid of toxins. Not only does it contain the antioxidant allicin, but it’s also an antibacterial food that can help to cleanse your body of pathogens.
  4. Carrots –– Loaded with fiber, carrots are a supremely healthy food. They also contain glutathione, a special protein that can detoxify your liver.
  5. Grapefruit –– Another great source of glutathione, grapefruits are also rich in a cholesterol-lowering type of fiber called pectin.
  6. Tomatoes — Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that can help to fight off cancer in many forms. Plus, it’s another great source of the liver-detoxing protein glutathione.
  7. Walnuts –– The Omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts can help to prevent and reduce inflammation in the liver, and the nuts’ fiber bonds with chemicals in order to prevent them from being absorbed into the liver.

READ MORE: Beet This!

  1. Spinach –– Spinach is another EXCELLENT source of glutathione, the liver-detoxing protein that will work wonders for your body. It’s also loaded with antioxidants, so eating raw spinach is one of the best things to do for a healthy liver.
  2. Asparagus ––  These fiber-rich veggies are an excellent diuretic, which will help your body to eliminate waste–the waste that is sent from your liver to your bladder. You’ll find that they can even help to deal with bloating.
  3. Avocadoes –– The monounsaturated fats in avocadoes will help to reduce total cholesterol levels, improving overall health. Plus, they’re loaded with glutathione.
  4. Lemon –– Lemon juice stimulates your liver to produce more bile, which in turn flushes out toxins and chemicals. It can even boost liver function as well as improve digestion.
  5. Green tea –– The catechins (antioxidants) in green tea will improve your liver function, and even prevent your liver from storing fat.
  6. Turmeric –– Turmeric is a spice that works wonders for your body, especially your liver! It’s effective at increasing bile production, thereby ensuring that your liver can cleanse itself easily.
  7. Milk thistle –– This supplement is one of the best to take to help flush the garbage from your liver. It stimulates the growth of your liver cells, and protects the liver from damage by toxins and chemicals. It even produces antioxidants that will help to reduce the oxidative stress placed on your liver, and enhance the synthesis of new proteins in your liver.
  8. Epsom salt –– Epsom salt is an excellent form of magnesium, the mineral that increases your liver’s natural bile production. Simply drinking a cup of water with a tablespoon of Epsom salt once every few weeks can do the trick!

About the author


Some people get lucky and are born with fit, toned bodies. Andy Peloquin is not one of those people... Fitness has come hard for him, and he's had to work for it. His trials have led him to becoming a martial artist, an NFPT-certified fitness trainer, and a man passionate about exercise, diet and healthy living. He loves to exercise--he does so six days a week--and loves to share his passion for fitness and health with others.

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