Wondering why you can’t seem to land a nice man for the life of you? Don’t worry girl; it’s not him, it’s you…eek! Peep these 5 reasons you’re probs still single and please, stop doing them!
1. You act like one of the guys
Okay, listen. Men like a woman who can hang with the guys and watch football, but when you start flexing your muscles and letting out loud belches after shot gunning several beers, odds are, he’s never going to call your ass again. Just saying…
2. You’re a little slutty
If your hobbies are: making out in public, getting wasted at clubs and having sloppy drunk sleepovers with different dudes every weekend, well, it’s no wonder you’re single.
3. You’re a huge tease
Girl, quit playing games with his heart! But seriously, playing hard to get is all good and fun at first. Keep up the act however and the only thing you’ll be playing is sappy Taylor Swift breakup songs on repeat. #Truestory
4. You’re clingy as f*ck
You send him a bajillion cutesy texts a day, blow up his phone at work and regularly post stupid shiz on his Facebook wall just because.
Honestly, you’re still wondering why you’re single? Girl, please! You have got to back off.
5. You’re dirty
No, we don’t mean dirty as in you don’t bathe (although that would definitely be a major issue if you didn’t), but what we actually mean is you have a dirty, potty, foul mouth and like to talk about sex A LOT in front of his friends. It’s not a good look, trust us.
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