Adult Health

8 Soy Milk Dangers You Should Know About

Written by andy

Could this popular food actually be BAD for your health?

Soy products have become a popular source of vegetable protein, replacing animal-based, high-fat proteins like beef, pork, and chicken. Thanks to its low fat content, it’s a low-calorie, diet-friendly choice to help you lose weight and get in shape.

But in recent years, people have come to suspect that soy products aren’t as good as they appear. In fact, there may even be a few soy protein and soy milk dangers you’re not aware of:

  1. Haemagglutinin — If you’ve never heard of this long, hard-to-pronounce substance, that’s because it’s not very common. Soy milk and other soy products contain haemagglutinin, which promotes the formation of clots in your body. By consuming this substance, you may increase the chance that damage in your cardiovascular system to cause blood clots to form, potentially leading to a heart attack or stroke.
  2. Natural Toxins –– You may find it hard to believe, but soy products actually contain a number of natural toxins. These toxins can block the production and detection of certain enzymes your body needs, such as for digestion of protein. The problem is that these toxins are not destroyed when the soy products are processed and cooked, and they can lead to the formation of tumors and cancerous cells.
  3. GMO –– It’s estimated that over 90% of the soy in the world is GMO, meaning it has been genetically modified. It is also believed that soy products are the MOST contaminated vegetable in the world, thanks to the high use of pesticides. For those who are concerned about eating healthy foods, this is definitely something to keep in mind.
  4. Nitrites –– When soy is spray-dried (in order to be processed and turned into soy milk and soy protein), nitrites form. Nitrites are potent carcinogens that can cause the formation of tumor and cancer cells.

READ MORE: Does Soy Milk Make You Fat?

  1. Phytic Acid –– Soy beans and all soy products contain a lot of phytic acid, a nutrient that stops your body from absorbing a lot of the essential minerals it needs to function. Thanks to phytic acid, your body will have a hard time absorbing calcium, zinc, iron, copper, and magnesium–all of which play vital roles in your body.
  2. Goitrogens –– Goitrogens are substances that block the production of the hormones in your thyroid gland. Excessively high levels of goitrogens can lead to thyroid malfunction and imbalances, which can cause a wide range of secondary health problems.
  3. Aluminum — Soy beans are stored, washed, and processed in aluminum tanks before being packaged and distributed. Like all aluminum containers, high heat (such as that used for processing soy beans) can cause the metal to leech into the food. Your soy products are very likely to contain unsafely high levels of this heavy metal thanks to the processing, and you will be polluting your body with the toxic metal.
  4. Soy Protein Isolates –– While some protein isolates are good for your body (effective for building muscle), soy protein isolates are known to enlarge your pancreas–thereby increasing your risk of pancreatic disorders and impaired function. These isolates can also cause your body to store more fat in your liver, potentially leading to fatty liver disease.

As you can see, the soy milk dangers are very real! It’s in your best interest to watch out for all those soy products and consider cutting them from your life. You may avoid a lot of health problems as a result!

About the author


Some people get lucky and are born with fit, toned bodies. Andy Peloquin is not one of those people... Fitness has come hard for him, and he's had to work for it. His trials have led him to becoming a martial artist, an NFPT-certified fitness trainer, and a man passionate about exercise, diet and healthy living. He loves to exercise--he does so six days a week--and loves to share his passion for fitness and health with others.

1 Comment

  • This is pure bullshit. Yes, 90% of soy is GMO, but over 90% of soy is fed to LIVESTOCK, not humans. It’s very easy to find non-GMO soy milk. Natural toxins? WHAT natural toxins? Nitrates in soy are not a problem if you get organic. Phytic acid has shown to have health benefits in several studies. Many healthy foods, including oats are higher in phytic acid than soy. Should we not eat oats for breakfast anymore? The ‘goitrogens’ in soy do not have any more of a negative affect on the thyroid than the goitrogens in broccoli, cauliflower and kale. Most aluminum washing tanks have been switched to stainless steel. You’re regurgitating bullshit from Mercola and Weston A. Price. Congrats.

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