I feel very luck to be living as a gay man in 2012. I think a lot about the past, and how certain injustices were so ingrained in our society that they were deemed normal. It wasn’t that long ago that people of different races couldn’t marry, and not long before that, it was legal for a husband to kill his wife. I think about what it would have been like for me if I lived 50 or 100 years ago, and honestly it makes me a little sad.
Gay people have always existed, but never as openly and honestly as they do today. Every time I look at an old photo of a gay couple it makes me think about what a struggle it must have been to go about your every day life. I think about how hard it would have been to find a partner, and to fall in love, and then to risk danger and death every day just by being with the person you love.
It takes a lot of courage to be openly gay in 2012 society, so I can’t imagine what it must have been like in the past. Its a little bittersweet looking at photos of gay couples of the past, because I applaud their courage at being who they were in the face of adversity, and I also feel bad for them because there was nobody to fuck.
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