You Slutty Bunny!

Written by Bryce

Have you ever just wished that you could map out all your conquests in a google-maps type of way?  Like a pin-chart of who you’ve slept with, only easier for all your friends and family to access because it’s available to anyone with internet access?  Good news, I’m stalking your sexual movements RIGHT NOW.  JK! But I have been tracking the sexual conquests of people within a 3 mile radius of me, and I have to tell you, Brooklyn: you got it going on.  Murray Hill, you’re uptight and probably ugly… because you’re sexless.

Picture 16

As you can see here, downtown Manhattan gets much more action than the rest of the island.  Unfortunately, I have nothing to report for my particular street 🙁

I can, however, report excellent news in Brooklyn where it looks like hipsters are getting effed left and right.

Wondering how I’m mapping all this sexiness out? I’ll give you the answer if you leave a comment on the post with the last neighborhood you got laid in.

About the author


Bryce Gruber is a Manhattanite mom who can be found jet-setting off to every corner of the globe. She loves exotic places, being fully rested and writing for some of the world's most popular news outlets.