Cities Sex Life

How to Sleep With an Alien Hooker

alien cathouse
Written by Gary

I am visiting Las Vegas for my birthday next month, so naturally I have been doing a little research on things to do in Nevada. Apparently, I can sleep with an alien prostitute if I just visit the Alien Cathouse, a brothel that specializes in alien fantasies, located just south of Area 51.

alien cathouse

The Alien Cathouse is basically just a regular house that is decorated with tacky alien decorations, where paying johns can hang out and stay as long as they want (provided they keep dropping hundies). There are several themed rooms such as the “Atlantis Fantasy” room and the “Holodeck” but if you really want the full effect you have to visit the “Alien Abduction and Probing Room” a place where high tech dildos go to die.

If alien sex isn’t really your thing, a gift certificate to the Alien Cathouse is the perfect gift for your geeky younger brother.

Just remind him to wrap it up so he doesn’t come home with a nasty case of intergalactic syphilis.

alien cathouse

alien cathouse

alien cathouse

alien cathouse

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About the author


Gary is the gay guy that every girl wants to be, and every guy wants to be with (Mostly because he can't get pregnant). He is based in Manhattan, but loves traveling to exotic new people, and sleeping with interesting new places. He is an adventurous writer, digital artist, and game designer that will try almost anything if it makes a good story.
--Instagram: @garyadrianrandall --Twitter: @gadrianrandall