Adult Health

Yeast Infection in Men: Wait, What?

Written by andy

It’s a lot worse than you’d think!

Yeast infections are not a whole lot of fun for the women suffering from them. When the fungi in your lady parts spread out of control (thanks to a reduced immune system), it can cause some serious discomfort: pain, itching, burning, and the list goes on.

But if, God forbid, the infection spreads to men, everything goes NUCLEAR! A yeast infection in men is far more painful than it could ever be in women–which is why it’s so important for men to avoid any contact with women who are suffering from yeast infections. Here’s what you need to know:

Yeast Infection in Men vs. Women

It’s estimated that up to 75% of adult women will suffer a yeast infection at some point in their lives. Thanks to the presence of the candida albicans yeast that lives and thrives in their vaginas, it’s not uncommon for a yeast infection to set in as a result of reduced immune function.

However, there are NO candida albicans yeast present in the body of a man. The yeast infection can only be caused by contact with an infected vagina or mouth (oral thrush, another form of yeast infection). If the infection spreads to the man’s body, it does so in the worst possible place: the penis. This is known as penile yeast, and it is an incredibly painful infection.

How to Get a Penile Yeast Infection

While yeast infections are not classified as STDs, they are spread via sexual contact. It’s not guaranteed that sexual contact with someone who has a yeast infection will lead to a penile yeast infection, but it’s definitely not a risk you want to take! If your partner is showing any signs of a yeast infection, stay away until it clears up completely!

READ MORE: Itchy Penis: 10 Reasons Why


What happens to your body when you develop a yeast infection? For men, the symptoms include:

  • Red skin on the head of the penis
  • Swelling (and not the good kind!)
  • Irritation and soreness (never a good thing)
  • Inflammation
  • Itchiness
  • White patches on the skin (this is the fungi spreading to the point where you can actually see them growing)
  • Thick, lumpy discharge beneath your foreskin, which can produce a highly unpleasant odor
  • Pain both during sex and when urinating
  • Difficulty pulling back the foreskin

As you can see, the symptoms of this infection are no joke! If you notice any of these things, it’s time to get tested. If you catch the infection early on, you can take medication and eradicate the fungi before it truly sets in and causes serious pain.

How to Treat a Yeast Infection in Men

The good news is that treating the yeast infection is fairly simple. All you’ll need to do is take one of the many medications available today, including:

  • Clotrimazole
  • Fluconazole
  • Econazole
  • Miconazole
  • Ketoconazole
  • Nystatin

There are a number of medications that can be applied topically to the infected area, helping to deal with the fungi directly. For those who want to get rid of the infections quickly, these are the best option.

Thankfully, good hygiene is usually enough to prevent yeast infections from setting in:

  • Wash your penis carefully every time you shower
  • Avoid any perfumed soaps or gels, as they can increase irritation
  • Wear loose-fitting underwear to ensure your skin stays cool and dry (warm, moist environments are a breeding ground for fungi)
  • Dry your penis well after washing to deprive the fungi of the moisture it needs to grow

Follow this advice, and you will rarely have to worry about a yeast infection!


About the author


Some people get lucky and are born with fit, toned bodies. Andy Peloquin is not one of those people... Fitness has come hard for him, and he's had to work for it. His trials have led him to becoming a martial artist, an NFPT-certified fitness trainer, and a man passionate about exercise, diet and healthy living. He loves to exercise--he does so six days a week--and loves to share his passion for fitness and health with others.