Newsies: You Made Me Want to Marry Christian Bale

My heart is beating out of my chest just watching this…

Ashley and I were just reminiscing over fond memories of the early 90’s and basically the most significant memory we each had was the same: the aim to marry Christian Bale. Ashley and I grew up in different states, with entirely different cultural values and surroundings, but the binding thread of our childhood was unsurprisingly complete love for the movie The Newsies. If you don’t remember it, I feel bad for you. Enjoy this clip, because seeing this makes me want to make out with young Christian Bale all over again.

About the author


Bryce Gruber is a Manhattanite mom who can be found jet-setting off to every corner of the globe. She loves exotic places, being fully rested and writing for some of the world's most popular news outlets.

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