Find out if you’re in POTUS shape…
The U.S. Presidency has always been a high-stress job. If you don’t believe me, take a look at this photo:
As you can see, it has taken its toll on the president, and every president before him. But our current U.S. President is actually in surprisingly good health, all things considered. As a White House doctor’s report shows, President Obama is in better shape than the average 50+ year old man.
Can you match up? Here’s the letter posted by the White House:

Now, let’s see how you stack up:
Body Mass Index –– The President has a BMI of 22.8 kilograms per square meter. The average “healthy” BMI is between 21 and 23 kg/m2. This isn’t “super fit”, but it’s definitely in the healthy category.
Resting Heart Rate — The President has a resting heart rate of 56 BPM. The average adult has a resting heart rate anywhere between 60 and 100 BPM, while athletes’ BPM range between 40 and 60. As you can see, President Obama is in the “athletes” category. Pretty impressive, all things considered!
Blood Pressure —The President’s blood pressure is 110/68 mm Hg. Ideal blood pressure is anywhere from 90/60 to 120/80. This means that he has a healthy heart, and his cardiovascular system works well.
Cholesterol — The President has total cholesterol levels of 188 mg/dL. A desirable total cholesterol level is under 200. Anything over 200, and you’re going to Borderline High or High cholesterol. He also has an HDL cholesterol level of 68. Anything over 60 is good, as HDL cholesterol is the type of cholesterol able to reduce your risk of heart disease. With an LDL cholesterol level of 125, the President has “near optimal” levels. Ideally, he should have lower than 100 mg/dL LDL cholesterol, but up to 129 is considered healthy.
READ MORE: Obama On Billboards!
Fasting Blood Glucose — The President has a fasting blood glucose level of 83 mg/dL. For a normal, healthy person without diabetes, the normal blood glucose range is anywhere from 70 to 100, though up to 130 mg/dL is considered acceptable.
The President has no significant past medical history, with no history of past surgeries or serious illness.
He is completely tobacco-free, drinks alcohol “occasionally” and only in restraint.
He makes the healthy lifestyle choices, striving for a healthy diet and do exercise every day.
According to the White House doctor’s report, his focus is on aerobic and resistance training. By combining these two types of exercise, he reduces his risk of heart problems, and he slows down the effects of aging. The aerobic exercise helps to improve his cardiovascular function, and the resistance training increases muscle mass, bone density, and overall health. This combination is what has kept him in great throughout the high-stress years of his pregnancy.
If you were to do a medical exam right now, what would your results say? Are you anywhere near as fit as the President, or are you lacking? Are you making the right lifestyle choices, limiting alcohol, cutting tobacco, and eating well, or have you let your lifestyle trend more toward the pleasurable but unhealthy?
If you’re not up to the standard of POTUS, don’t sweat it! Now is the best time to start working on your health. You can change your diet to be more balanced, getting plenty of protein, fiber, healthy fats, antioxidants, and complex carbs. You can start doing a workout program that combines aerobic and resistance training. You can cut tobacco and limit alcohol, and you’ll see your fitness improve in no time!