Do you really want your sacrum hanging out for the world to see?
Author - Karina
Taking Beauty Tips from Your Boyfriend
There's nothing wrong with wanting to look good for the person you're knocking boots with, but...
Snowy with a chance of awkward: How to talk about the weather
After this weekend, you've probably realized you need to brush up on your small talk skills. And...
Let It burn: Candles to Give Light All Winter Long
Does the idea of burning candles seem too cheesy, like it should only be happening on the set for a...
A cafe for the cat-deprived
Between LOLcats, Caturday, and the million and one Tumblr's dedicated to feline photos, cats are...
Is Jessica Biel too pretty to take seriously?
Jessica Biel thinks she's too pretty to be considered for serious roles, which is why they've all...
Get more sleep, feel more thankful
Instead of giving in to your food hangover and snapping like the turkey's wishbone, try these easy...
A Bible for your Break-Up Stories
In a weird way, it's nice to read a book dedicated to the broken bits of love and piecing them back...
Who Wants a Ryan Gosling Pancake?
As much as I want to just let the words Ryan Gosling pancake linger in your crazy, lovely brains...
Take a Ride Down Banana Road & Think about Food
If you loved to play with your food as a kid, you'll love this brilliant series of photos.