Adult Health

Carbs Are Just as Bad as Cigarettes When It Comes to Lung Cancer

Written by andy

Carbs will kill you!

Well, perhaps we don’t need to be that dramatic. Carbs, in moderation, can actually be excellent for you. They provide you with a major energy source, which your body uses when you run, jump, and play. Carbs are easily accessible for your body, meaning they are the first thing to be used during your periods of activity.

It’s a well-known fact that overdoing it on carbs can lead to a lot of problems. Carbs are turned into fat by the body, meaning they can increase both body weight and fat mass. Too much carbs at once can cause high blood sugar, which can, over time, lead to insulin resistance and ultimately diabetes.

But what if carbs also play a role in cancer? According to one study, carbs can increase your risk of developing lung cancer…

In the study, over 1,900 cases of newly diagnosed lung cancer were examined. The researchers analyzed both the Glycemic Index (GI) and Glycemic Load (GL) of the diet of the people diagnosed with cancer. Both of these measurements (GI and GL) indicate the amount of carbs in food.

The study discovered something pretty fascinating: the consumption of both high GI and high GL foods increased cancer risk. Those who ate high-carb, low-fiber foods were more likely to develop cancer than those who never smoked. Smokers, of course, had a higher risk of lung cancer, but it seems that carbs can increase your risk of lung cancer even if you never pick up a cigarette!

READ MORE: Instead of Eating Carbs, This Girl Turns Them Into Lampshades

This is just one study, and it points to just one small risk factor that could increase your chances of developing lung cancer. Why high GI/GL foods increase your risk of cancer, the study doesn’t say. However, it does prove that there is a correlation between high-carb foods and an increased risk of developing not only  lung cancer, but other types of cancer as well.

Should you be worried? Well, yes and no…

If you are the kind of person who eats a lot of high-carb, high-sugar foods without any fiber to mitigate the effects of the carbs, you are right to be worried. Those high-carb/sugar foods are going to increase your body fat, raise blood sugar levels, and increase your risk of lung cancer.

However, if you follow a normal, healthy diet, eating all things in moderation, you have little to fear. Carbohydrates are good for your health, particularly when you eat high-fiber complex carbohydrates. Adding more healthy carbs to your diet is the key to staying in good shape and reducing your risk of all manner of disease.

So, which carbs should you be adding to your diet?

  • Whole grains like rice, quinoa, barley, and millet. These are all rich in carbs, but with plenty of fiber and minerals to balance it out.
  • Fruits and veggies, with a particular emphasis on the low-sugar, low-carb vegetables. 2 servings of fruits per day, but 5 servings or more of veggies!
  • Seeds and nuts, both of which contain a lot of healthy fiber, and are loaded with proteins, healthy fats, and other vital nutrients.

Here are the carbs you should be cutting:

  • Anything without fiber, like white rice, white bread, white flour, pasta, and potatoes. These are all fairly low in nutrients, making them less than healthy.
  • Anything with a lot of sugar, such as sweets, candies, chocolates, and baked goods. They contain very little nutritional value, but are high in carbs and contain very little fiber.

Balance your diet and limit your carbs, and you’ll lower your risk of lung cancer drastically!


About the author


Some people get lucky and are born with fit, toned bodies. Andy Peloquin is not one of those people... Fitness has come hard for him, and he's had to work for it. His trials have led him to becoming a martial artist, an NFPT-certified fitness trainer, and a man passionate about exercise, diet and healthy living. He loves to exercise--he does so six days a week--and loves to share his passion for fitness and health with others.

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