
DIY Coconut Oil for Toe Nail Fungus

Written by andy

Try this to get rid of that nail infection!

Nail fungus is a problem that MANY people face on a regular basis. With your feet trapped in your shoes and socks all day long, you end up with pretty sweaty–sometimes stinky–feet. This warm, damp place is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, meaning the risk of infection is much higher on your feet than anywhere else in your body.

Nail fungus can be annoying, not to mention painful. If the fungus digs past the nail and burrows into the flesh of your nail beds, it will be very hard to get it out. So what can you do?

Here’s a simple remedy for you: coconut oil! Coconut oil is one of the best DIY home treatments for toe nail fungus, and it will get rid of the infection surprisingly effectively.

Why it Works

Coconut oil is more than just good for your hair and skin. It contains a lot of fatty acids that act as antibacterial and antifungal agents. You’ll find that it’s an effective treatment to get rid of infections on your skin, scalp, and around your finger and toenails.

READ MORE: 8 Unusual Beauty Uses for Coconut Oil

DIY Coconut Oil for Toe Nail Fungus

Here’s how to use the coconut oil as a DIY treatment for your toe nail fungus:

  1. Wash the infected area. You want to get rid of as much fungi as possible, along with all the dead skin cells. It may be a bit painful, but it’s worth it. The more the fungi is exposed, the more effective the coconut oil will be.
  2. Pat it dry. Use a clean paper towel or cloth to pat the area dry. Oil and water don’t mix well, so it’s always best to apply coconut oil to a clean, dry surface.
  3. Place a few drops of coconut oil onto the affected area. You can use an eyedropper or simply pour it from the bottle. Make sure there is enough oil to cover the entire infection in a thick layer. The more antifungal acids, the better! (Note: To make the coconut oil easier to spread, place it in the fridge. Once it congeals and hardens, it’s easy to apply like an unguent or cream.)
  4. Let it sit. You’ll want to give the coconut oil at least 5 to 15 minutes to work. Longer is better in this case, as it will ensure that the acids in the oil kill off the bacteria. You can also massage the oil into the skin around the nails, though be sure to wear gloves as you do so. You don’t want the fungus to pass to your skin!

After the treatment, it’s vital that you keep the toe exposed to the open air as much as possible. Fungal infections need a damp, warm environment to grow, which means the inside of your socks and shoes. Exposing it to the open air will promote the elimination of the fungi, effectively curbing the infection and stopping it from spreading.

Here are two more easy remedies to try:

  • Mix orange oil with almond oil, and apply to the infected nail. The acids in the orange oil will kill off the fungi, while the almond oil will dilute the stronger citrus oil and prevent it from irritating your skin.
  • Wash your feet in a mixture of baking soda, apple cider vinegar, and water. Soak your toes in the mixture for about 15 minutes, and rinse with warm water.

Do any of these remedies at least twice per day, and you’ll get rid of the nail infection in no time!


About the author


Some people get lucky and are born with fit, toned bodies. Andy Peloquin is not one of those people... Fitness has come hard for him, and he's had to work for it. His trials have led him to becoming a martial artist, an NFPT-certified fitness trainer, and a man passionate about exercise, diet and healthy living. He loves to exercise--he does so six days a week--and loves to share his passion for fitness and health with others.

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