HOME AND REAL ESTATE Interiors Kitchen

Gift Ideas for the Home: Cheap from Amazon.com

Written by Bryce
Presto 05420 FryDaddy Electric Deep Fryer
Pinzon 7-Piece Stainless-Steel Gadget Set with Stand
FroliCat BOLT Automatic Laser Toy for Cats
Microsuede Feather Full/Queen Comforter Set, Chocolate
Presto 05420 FryDaddy Electric Deep Fryer
$39.99 $22.97
Pinzon 7-Piece Stainless-Steel Gadget Set with Stand
$35.00 $19.99
FroliCat BOLT Automatic Laser Toy for Cats
$19.95 $17.25
Microsuede Feather Full/Queen Comforter Set, Chocolate
$110.00 $39.99
SteamFast SF-407 1500-Watt Fabric Steamer
GKI/Bethlehem Lighting 25-Foot Indoor/Outdoor Holiday Light Set with 50 Wide-Angle Mini FlexChange LED Lights, White
Tom Douglas by Pinzon Wenger 10-Inch Chef's Knife
La Crosse Technology 9160U Digital Thermometer with Wireless Remote
SteamFast SF-407 1500-Watt Fabric Steamer
$89.99 $42.99
GKI/Bethlehem Lighting 25-Foot Indoor/Outdoor Holiday Light Set with 50 Wide-Angle Mini FlexChange LED Lights, White
$34.99 $19.99
Tom Douglas by Pinzon Wenger 10-Inch Chef’s Knife
$55.00 $29.99
La Crosse Technology 9160U Digital Thermometer with Wireless Remote
$29.95 $18.99
Pike Street 3 in 1 Softie Wrap/Throw, Sage
Petsafe Heated Wellness Sleeper, Medium
Cuisinart DGB-900BC Grind-and-Brew Thermal 12-Cup Automatic Coffeemaker, Brushed Chrome/Black
Pinzon 3-Liter Wine Box Stand [Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging]
Pike Street 3 in 1 Softie Wrap/Throw, Sage
$60.00 $22.99
Petsafe Heated Wellness Sleeper, Medium
$89.99 $49.94
Cuisinart DGB-900BC Grind-and-Brew Thermal 12-Cup Automatic Coffeemaker, Brushed Chrome/Black
$365.00 $158.00
Pinzon 3-Liter Wine Box Stand [Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging]
$35.00 $8.99

I’m actually really partial to the laser toy for cats, and I can’t help but wonder if it’s a good toy for babies too?

About the author


Bryce Gruber is a New York mom to five growing kids, wife to one great husband and professional shopping editor. You've seen her work in Reader's Digest, Taste of Home, Family Handyman, MSN, Today's Parent, Fashion Magazine, Chatelaine, NBC and so many other beloved brands.