How to Quickly Ruin a Date with a Tall German Man

Written by Bryce

Another perfect date letter.

This email was forwarded to me by a very close friend last night, and for obvious reasons I got a kick out of it. I mean, personally, I would’ve left after the conversation stuck around shopping for more than a minute because I have enough gay men in my life. But I can understand her need to go on. Dating a man 6’8″ comes with a set of compromises, I suppose…

From: Jill xxxxxx <[email protected]>
Date: January 8, 2012 7:49:30 PM EST
To: Amy xxxxxx <[email protected]>
Subject: My Date with the German

There’s nothing left to do but write. Put this heart wrenching experience into words.  All I keep saying to myself is “what the fuck just happened?” I feel like I was blindsided. Rewind….8 pm. I walk into Le Caprice on 5th avenue to meet my German. I know I look good, wearing a black tulle dress, payless heels and bundled in my effortlessly chic, yet somewhat cumbersome H&M cape I open the double doors just in time for a windstorm to fuck up my perfectly quaffed locks of brown hair. “Shit” I mumble, there goes my freeze frame, music video entrance. We meet at the bar, he orders a martini “just a little dirty.” It takes him an unusual amount of time to ask me for a drink, or perhaps I’m just being critical at this point. I order a chardonnay. I notice he is approximately 2-3 drinks ahead of me. “It’s ok” I think to myself, after all, he is 6’8. For the first 2 hours, our conversation is AMAZING! Bergdorfs, bulldogs, and more bergdorfs? What more could a girl want? Things start to get questionable when he starts to talk about his “HER-mes” jewelry obsession. For the record Franz, the “H’ is silent. He needs some “HER-mes” jewelry to accompany his watch. “I don’t know,” he ponders, “I think it will just make my watch pop.” Questionable..The fact that he says he can shop for hours and not get bored doesn’t phase me in the slightest, in fact, I welcome that challenge. Around 10 pm we decide to have dinner….thanks, didn’t realize we were still eating on European time- I’m fucking starving. We go to David Burke’s “Fish Tail” for a bite. He orders his 5th? Martini (just a little dirty) of course. I politely order a glass of chardonnay but sip slowly making sure that I will be able to escort HIM home safely. Mid-conversation he blurts out, “our third date should be a cooking date.” I jokingly respond, “a cooking date? I think date 3 is a little soon for a cooking date!” I later admit to him that I don’t want to put my awful cooking skills on display quite yet or quite frankly, have him in my apartment on our third date. A little soon no? He adds, “I just want to be somewhere more private, in case we want to get intimate…” What. the. fuck.

I’m sorry, do I have whore/easy/slut/sure thing written all over my face? I quickly, and probably a little more sharply than I should respond, “Excuse me? I’m not that kind of girl. If that’s what you are looking for then I’m not it.” He takes a big sip of his martini, and says, “well when do you have sex with someone?” Are you kidding me right now? Is this guy for real? We are on a 2nd date and he is asking me this?  What would Patti Stanger say….”Not until I’m exclusive with someone….that’s when. When he is my boyfriend.” He quickly interjects, “how do you know when you are exclusive? Do you assume that I am dating other women right now?” At this point I am so fucking lost. “I have no idea what you are doing and nor should you have any idea what I am doing.” Silence….Very. Long. Silence. I want to rebound quickly because I LIKE THIS GUY. “Look, clearly there was some kind of misunderstanding, let’s rewind and scratch that past conversation out.” He snaps, “Well ok, but I don’t think I did anything wrong.” He takes one last sip of his drink indicating that he is done. I ask, “do you want to go?” He says “let’s wrap it up” and asks for the check. We are out of there faster than a sweater off of a Barney’s sale rack. He walks me to the curb and puts me in the cab. No kiss, nothing. Like I said, what the fuck just happened? How can something that was going so good, turn in the blink of an eye? I text him as soon as I get in the cab, something that I generally would never do, “I’m not sure what just happened….” No response. I’m tired. I’m only 28 and I’m exhausted. Mostly because I feel like I really want love. I constantly put myself out there only to meet guys like Franz, Hanz, and Shmanz. It’s cliche to ask, but what am I doing wrong? Questions run through my head like, am I not pretty enough? Thin enough? Maybe I wore the wrong outfit. At the end of the day I know the answer to all of these questions along with the other insecurities are no no and no. But there is something unsatisfying about placing ALL of the blame on the other person. “Oh, well he’s just an alcoholic….their personalities switch at the drop of a hat” my friend Eve says. “That’s fun.” I sarcastically think to myself. A real winner I found. I guess I dodged the bullet early? No clue. Either way, did I really want to have to deal with the suprise of a “Non-Kosher” salami? Ihren Verlust, Loser.

About the author


Bryce Gruber is a New York mom to five growing kids, wife to one great husband and professional shopping editor. You've seen her work in Reader's Digest, Taste of Home, Family Handyman, MSN, Today's Parent, Fashion Magazine, Chatelaine, NBC and so many other beloved brands.


  • It’s “coiffed”, not “quaffed”. If you’re going to use fancy words, at least know how to spell them.

  • Well i think your friend went about the date in an “American” Manner.
    Germans and all those other Scandinavian countries Pretty much go like this
    3)Have sex and then MAYBE eventually become monogamous.
    4)Not talk about status of relationship and repeat 1-4

    Maybe he is a real douche (I doubt this though because Germans are known to be blunt and cold where it can seem rude for an American) but you awfully sound high maintenance yourself or a “typical American woman”. Nothing wrong with that! He himself should have done the necessary to understand American dating culture. You also need to understand that underneath all that German hotness lies well German culture which does clash with ours.

    Also she seemed so desperate to redeem herself in his eyes….WTF?Why do this? It makes everything worse and makes her look even more high maintenance and desperate control freak. Women over there have a more disdain attitude towards their relationships (a little more breathing room, and lots of sex without being branded a whore) she needs to relax and let go!

    • I would have had the same reaction if not worse. I would direct him straight to the whore house. How exactly is she high maintenance or a control freak? it is her vagina and there is nothing wrong with wanting to get to know someone outside sex. I am not American and i personally see nothing wrong with what she does. it just means that she wasn’t comfortable having sex because she practically doesn’t know anything about this man to feel the connection to have sex is all.

  • I think she overreacted….she was too quick to assume that he thought of her as a “whore” in that case he probably would’ve asked for sex much sooner. Next time she decides to go out with a guy of a different culture please try doing some research on his culture….American women act too entitled. Don’t fantasize about your dates being future husband material because when things don’t workout you end up heartbroken.

    You should’ve called him the next day to “smooth” things over instead of texting him after departing. Good luck in your dating.

  • You are all interpreting so much into that, it’s really funny.
    This guy simply has some PUA (google it) moves. He was just freezing her out after his probe (pun intended) was rejected. And, surprise, now you are obsessing over him (as evidenced by your immediate texting and , well, this whole email)

    One thing though: In Germany (Europe really) they have no rules about how many dates until kissing, cooking, sex. Often you just have sex the first night, so that is out of the way and if you have chemistry in the sack, then you can worry about cooking, hobbies or whatever. How stupid would it be to woo a girl for 3 month only to discover that she is a dead fish in bed. And vice versa or course.

  • Overreaction and cultural misunderstanding. In Germany, heterosexual relationships happen much more fluidly and naturally – there are no formal American “dating rules” – Americans tend to date around without exclusivity until formally agreeing together; Germans usually go after the same person that they feel good with and sex happens when it feels right – can be an hour after meeting, first date, second date, unexpected date…you get the idea.

    Keep an open mind and understand others before pressing your American views on them.

    • I would not say that she overracted at all.I am not American and I would have dropped in like a hot potato. I would say that American dating has any rules it is just that people do not feel comfortable having sex without at least getting to know the person is all, unless you are into one night stands fine. Sex depends on the flow and if there is a connection with that person. All these crazies they have walking around in america, it just makes sense why it is necessary. I wouldnt say there are rules here, it is just people tend to want to get to know someone first outside sex is all. You have all the time in the world to have sex if there is a connection

  • Jesus! What´s wrong with having sex? You sound like a 12 year old girl. But you are a mom! No, we don´t have sex only with boyfriends in the rest of the world. And I am sure in America there is no rule like second or third date.It will always depend. He was really smart when he said “when do you assume you are an exclusive”? Because you were just assuming men are all alike and that he probably had another girl. you were freaking out.