Have you ever gotten in a fight with your significant other and both of you were so stubborn that neither would give in to being wrong? You tell your friend’s what you say happened, of course they take your side, and he tells his buds what he says happens, they obviously take his. You both end saying you were wrong but secretly you still tell yourself that it was totally his fault…
Well now through the glory of the internet you can let complete strangers tell you who should be apologizing. Sidetaker.com is a website where you let people with nothing better to do give you advice about your personal life. All you do is post your side of the story (you can have your man or woman post their side) and let the opinions fly in. You can post more than relationship problems, tell the world about your roommate or co-worker woes as well.
Now just because you put your side doesn’t mean you’re going to be right, people are going to tell you if your being the bitch.
Not recommended for those who do not handle criticism well.