Just in time for the weekend!

Written by Anna

This is absolutely brilliant.

Ladies, write this down:

inumbr lets you use a fake (or, as they call it, “temporary”) phone number that will forward the call to your phone, so you never have to give out your digits to some random sketchbag (um, why would you ever?).  So, if you’re not exactly trusting your judgement after the third martini, make sure you’ve got some digits with an expiration date.

But no expiration date is going to help if you give your number to these guys:


Enjoy your weekend!

About the author


a personal chef (, artist and cat-herder extraordinaire living in Boston. Born and raised in Siberia, Anna loves exploring culture, food, wine and meeting strangers along the way. Anna enjoys Lancôme mascara, Japanese street fashion, cheese and European soccer. She is getting her MBA degree from The Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis.


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