NYC Apartment Furthest from the Subway

Written by Bryce

Here’s the info you need to know on the NYC apartments furthest from the subway.

If you’ve ever searched for a new apartment in NYC you know a couple things: avoid rats and long walks to the subway. Literally no one, but no one, likes a 14 minute walk to the subway on a dreary, slushy February morning. In fact, “apartments within a 2 minute walking distance to the subway tend to fetch as much as 10 percent higher rents,” says my NYC real estate broker husband, Joseph Hermon.

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A genius at IQuantNY took the time and trouble to actually create a genius map of NYC apartments furthest from subways.

 “And there on the map lies the farthest residential building from a subway entrance in Manhattan according to my analysis: 10 Gracie Square, located at the end of 84th street at the FDR Drive.  It is 0.7 miles from the subway station as the crow flies, or 0.8 miles using the grid.  My favorite part about the finding is that the Penthouse, which I guess is literally the farthest place you can live from the subway due to the longer ride down in the elevator, is currently on the market for $18.9 million, down from $23 million last year.   That’s right, you can pay $18.9 million dollars to have literally the longest walk to the subway in all of Manhattan!  But fear not power walkers, there is also a two bedroom listed with a the same walk but a slightly shorter elevator ride… for $3.75 million. “

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About the author


Bryce Gruber is a New York mom to five growing kids, wife to one great husband and professional shopping editor. You've seen her work in Reader's Digest, Taste of Home, Family Handyman, MSN, Today's Parent, Fashion Magazine, Chatelaine, NBC and so many other beloved brands.