These one line tattoos were created by a super creative artist. Here’s what we love about them:
Speaking as someone who has a particularly dated, tacky tribal tattoo that basically lets anyone who has a pair of eyes know that I grew up in Florida, I will be the first to tell you to be careful what you get inked on your body. Tattoos are permanent, people. This means that if you don’t show discretion when getting one, you could regret it for the rest of your life. You know, like if you have a tribal band around your arm and then decide you want to be the type to wear tank tops.
READ MORE: Top Five Under-Boob Tattoos
If you are thinking of getting inked, you could do worse than a tattoo like these, however. All the one line tattoos you see here were created using only one continuous line, which is not only visually amazing, but really interesting to look at. Also, it kind of makes the infinity tattoo idea seem dead in the water, but that’s just me. I wish someone would have shown me one of these designs back when I was 21. If they had, maybe I wouldn’t be permanently branded as a North Floridian for the rest of my days.