Artist Sally Nixon captures what women do when nobody else is around.
Suffice it to say, I am not a woman. As a gay homo, there are a lot of things women do that I just don’t understand, so any time I can get some insight into the fairer sex, I take it.
Artist Sally Nixon created a series of illustrations that capture what women are really like, when they aren’t sucking in, or trying to look attractive. The reason her work is powerful is because it is relatable to everyone, even a gay homo such as myself. Of the women in her work, Nixon says:
“They don’t have perfect bodies or perfect habits and that makes them relatable. The scenes I create around them are everyday places: a bathroom, a restaurant, a messy bedroom. However my goal with each drawing is to elevate the seemingly mundane to something special and worthy of being viewed.”
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Her series peers into the lives of everyday women, which is something I think we could all stand to experience, given that we live in such an image-driven Kardashian-obsessed world. I’m glad there are people like Nixon, who shed light on the fact that being a women is a about a lot more than hair, makeup, and shoes. Do you hear what I’m saying, Caitlyn Jenner?