Sexual Guidelines to Consider While on Vacay

This summer, most americans will be vacationing domestically.  That means trips to France are now trips to Maryland, exotic Tahitian holidays are now exotic backpacking tours of Montana.  Since you’ll already be sacrificing a fab trip abroad, you certainly don’t want to ruin your summer any more by getting arrested for indecent acts.  So, it’s with great pleasure, that I provide you with this list of guidelines for sexual acts in your American travels:

  • Sexual positions other than missionary-style are illegal in Washington D.C.
  • It’s illegal for a man to curse while having sex with his wife in Willowdale, OR.
  • In Harrisburg, PA, sex with a truck driver inside a toll booth is illegal.
    Kingsville, TX, has a law against two pigs having sex on the city’s airport property.
  • Washington state has a law against having sex with a virgin… even on her/his wedding night.
    It’s illegal to masturbate while watching two people having sex in a car in Clinton, OK.
  • sexual acts in the front yard of any home after sundown are illegal in Bozeman, MT.
  • In Minnesota, it’s illegal for any MAN to have sex with a live fish (women, no worries, go ahead)
  • It is illegal for any member of Nevada state legislature to wear a penis costume while conducting official business.

Happy vacationing:)

About the author


Bryce Gruber is a New York mom to five growing kids, wife to one great husband and professional shopping editor. You've seen her work in Reader's Digest, Taste of Home, Family Handyman, MSN, Today's Parent, Fashion Magazine, Chatelaine, NBC and so many other beloved brands.