This young father creates graphic masterpieces from the bat-shit crazy things his toddler says.
If you have ever been around a toddler for any amount of time, you know half the crap that comes out of their mouths is a random jumble of words that defy logic. Martin Bruckner has a toddler daughter, and has turned his kid’s sayings into a viable business by making them into art.
The idea began when Bruckner’s daughter said: “please don’t put spaghetti between your toes..”, for which he named the Spaghetti Toes Tumblr.
The designs quickly grew to include random things all the family members said to each other, and will soon become a book.
READ MORE: Woman Makes Life-Like Dolls With Her Children’s Hair
Call me a homo, but I believe the children are our future, and I think all the random things kids express should definitely be celebrated. After all, it is only a matter of time before they learn to shut their traps and join the rat race. At least Bruckner’s kid will have evidence that she was once a free spirit!