Just so I know for the future perhaps, what does one consider the criteria of being a “well qualified donor?” And what exactly is the proof?! If it is what I think it is, I definitely don’t want to see it. Best of all? He’s willing you give you his exceptionally qualified baby batter for FREE! Who knew right?! With the cost of surrogacy and IVF treatments costing upwards of $50,000, this is just a plain old steal. It’s refreshing to know that such a stand up guy is willing to be such a great person as to donate his time and special swimmers to a special lady. PS- I’m being totally sarcastic and this guy is a freak. Good luck man.
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About the author
a native New Yorker with an enormous brain that's on a never-ending quest for high style, men with accents, and any place with a disco ball. Fastest way to her heart is a guy that loves sushi and knows the difference between "there," "their," and "they're."