What does homophobia mean, actually? This breaks it down:
Being from the south, I am no stranger to homophobia. I will never forget the time I went to Winn Dixie and bent down to grab something on the bottom shelf, and some rednecks in full-on camouflage couture gaped at the thong that was peeking out of my jeans. In my defense, it was the 90s, in Florida, and whale tails were a thing.
Homophobia, at its core has never really made sense to me. I understand that people don’t understand people who are different, but it is obviously incredibly small-minded to be scared of something because it’s different. I have always tried to embrace things that are different, because that is really the only way you learn anything, but I understand that a lot of Americans don’t agree with that–especially the ones below the Mason Dixon.
READ MORE: Gay Men in Tight Pants: Church Official Says Incompatible With God
So, to all the rednecks reading this (of which I am sure there are hundreds) take a look at this quote and give some thought to what it actually means to be homophobic. Then, if you find yourself questioning your sexuality, and are attractive, hit me up on Instagram. You can take the trash out of North Florida, but you can also put trash inside that trash, get what I’m saying?