Vegan birthday desserts are apparently just too complicated for average restaurant staff. A Twitter user named Yazmin had a pretty awkward experience at a popular chain restaurant when instead of a birthday cake or similar dessert, the restaurant served her a single piece of banana. Because oh well, she’s a vegan birthday girl.

Credit: @YazisAlright on Twitter
A video at the table shows Yazmin awkwardly smiling as she stares at her birthday banana and figures out what to do with it. The funniest part has to be the single lit candle over the top of the banana, denoting that the banana is supposed to be her birthday cake.
Vegan birthday girls don’t want banana slices
For chefs and readers who are still figuring out what’s wrong with a banana for a vegan — know there are a lot of vegan cake recipes available, and truth be told a banana is not what we want to pamper ourselves with, on our vegan birthdays. There is no way you can just pass off a banana to us as a dessert.
There’s another fun twist in this vegan birthday story, though. Yaz actually went to another restaurant on her actual birthday and this time, again, there was no cake. This vegan birthday dessert was even funnier than the last one.
In a surprising turn of events, Yazmin’s post went viral on social media. We’d like to take a moment to point out that eating an actual plate is a hard feat. Was she supposed to just sit there in her chair licking it in the main dining area? Yay, Yaz, it’s your birthday — lick this plate clean?
She started receiving replies from vegans all over social media who have faced the same thing in restaurants, and OMG we can’t decide if it’s funny or sad. Honestly, it’s better to give someone a bottle of vegan gummy vitamins than an extra lame restaurant dessert.
Who thought this was a good idea? Slow clap.
After the tweet went viral, the restaurant which served her the infamous banana slice decided to send their regards in a box full of vegan cupcakes and promised to keep delivering them all year. That’s sweet, but for starters, they could have served her a fruit salad or nicely-prepared pineapple dish at the first go.
Need ideas? Check out the new vegan Halo Top ice cream flavors here.
Twitter obviously chimed in with opinions (even more opinions than Chrissy on Twitter):
Despite vegan diets being on rise all over the world, many restaurants are still reluctant to introduce satisfying vegan options for their paying customers. As a result, the world is a funnier (if not hungrier) place. Cheers to the vegan Amy’s drive through location at SFO we covered recently for making it easier on us all.
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