Would You Dump Someone Over the Olive Garden?

Written by Karina

People break up over the darnest things. Unwashed dishes, undeodorized pits, bad dancing, bad breath. Recently, my girlfriend ditched a guy who suggested grabbing dinner at Olive Garden. Is this too harsh or would you do the same?

People break up over the darnest things: Unwashed dishes, undeodorized pits, bad dancing, bad breath. Recently, my girlfriend shared her story of a guy who hit her up for dinner at ye olde Olive Garden. The American-Italian joint may be considered the red roses of chain restaurants; and depending on who you are, that could be the next worst thing. In this friend’s case, despite being a “nice, attractive guy”, her date’s middle-brow choice in cuisine was just that offensive; and she told him so.

I called her out on being uppity before realizing, like I think some of you may too, that my own reaction might not have been any kinder. While I love an endless supply of salad and breadsticks too, isn’t there another restaurant better fit for eye-sex than over the gargantuan menu of bland but somehow delicious imitation Italian? And however pure these intentions, there’s just not much to excuse an uninspired choice in accomodations, what with the Internet and oh, this crazy thing called Yelp. At best, this pick could signal a lack of creativity. At worst, he just doesn’t care.

At the same time, it’s not difficult for me to imagine a dinner at Olive Garden being a night to remember. If the portions are heart-stopping, maybe the date will be too…? I could see this as a ballsy flip on the traditional rules of urban dating; and a sign that he doesn’t need a tiny plate of unpronounceable fish-product to impress me. Major bonus.

So is there some standard to follow when it comes to chain restaurants and dating? Would you dump someone if they wanted to woo you over a plate of Outback steaks? Maybe it’s smart to think in terms of your post-dinner, pre-morning-after activities. Chains aren’t a total taboo, but you should know your partner well enough before bringing it up. No one likes a back-door surprise. Let’s just assume a front-door-of-a-chain-restaurant surprise is no good, also.

About the author


a coastal-hopping country-come-cosmo girl who can be found getting her feet dirty all around Brooklyn and writing all over the Internet. She is the probably lovechild of Jay-Z and Dolly Parton. Follow her on Twitter @karinabthatsme


  • Well this all depends on where you live. I’m lucky enough to live in the good ole’ state of Arkansas where Olive Garden and Red Lobster are considered cuisine. If I ever had a date take me to Red Lobster I wouldn’t get out of the car. Actually, I would. I would get out of my car and walk to the nearest book store or retail store and shop until someone came to pick me up. It’s not uppity, it’s just not creative. Go to the Olive Garden when you’re hung over on Sunday where you can have the family experience of rolling chairs and unlimited salad.

    (I do love living in Arkansas. I love living in the South. I don’t want to knock either, but there are restaurants out there that don’t involve having a coupon in the Sunday paper.)

    After saying all of that, I’m in the mood for some breadsticks now.

  • I think it depends what kind of person you are and what expectations you have. I do not really care if the date is at Olive Garden or Mc Donalds. At the end of the day the venue is not important. The person you are on the date with is. You could be missing out on the love of your life over something silly.

  • That is such a good question. It does sound vain but it is true. The guy is supposed to be trying to impress you so you choose to be with him. I would not be impressed at all from a chain. His personality would have to be stellar!

    Chains are certainly not a first date type of place. Thats a “We are engaged and hungry from a long day” sort of place. I am thankful there are not that many chains around me.

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