7 Home Remedies for Chronic Dandruff

Written by Allison

Chronic dandruff is a major issue. These seven things helped me cure it in just a few weeks.

Kick your chronic dandruff to the curb with these treatment ideas.

Chronic dandruff is the worst. Not only can it be itchy and otherwise physically annoying, but it’s not exactly cute, either. Not to worry though, everyone gets dandruff from time to time. Flakiness on your scalp can be caused by a few different reasons.

Read on for seven different tricks to try and cure your flaky scalp.

1. Fish oil supplements

If your chronic dandruff is caused not by the Malassezia fungus, but by dehydrated, flaky skin you’ve got a simple solution. Hydrate things back up! Taking fish oil tablets can take a while to see results, so be prepared to need multiple solutions for at least a few months.

We like this one as it’s cheap, effective, and ships fast. Fish oil may help increase scalp circulation, too.


2. Drink more water

Not drinking water is not an option.

This one goes along the same lines, but, if you are chronically dehydrated, drinking eight cups a day may help your skin (and scalp) bounce back.

3. Clarifying shampoo

If your flakiness is caused not by dehydration or by that Malassezia fungus, it may be a serious case of product build up. If you’re a dry shampoo advocate and you use the stuff on a daily basis (or any other hair product near your roots) you may just need a clarifying clean.

Use a clarifying shampoo and really massage it into your scalp. Rinse away, condition those ends, and see if that solves your chronic dandruff flakes. This Apple Cider Shampoo gets the job done.

It tackles both buildup and the fungus that may cause chronic dandruff in the first place.


4. ACV Rinse

In the same vein you can clarify and shine up your hair with an apple cider vinegar rinse. This may not help true dandruff but can aid if you’re in the dry scalp or product build up groups. Read here how to do an ACV rinse and all the benefits you’ll get.

5. Tea tree oil

Tea Tree essential oil may work as a cure for chronic dandruff. This oil can be an anti fungal that can help treat the underlying Malassezia fungus that causes dandruff. This is totally normal stuff by the way, not like you’re covered in a weird fungus. The issue with using tea tree is that it could be an irritant, too.

Test a drop of tea tree somewhere on your skin that you can watch to make sure you’re not going to do any damage. If, a few days later, that patch of skin is still A-okay, you’re good to go! Add a drop or two (not more) into your daily palmful of shampoo and mix.

Shampoo away those flakes! Don’t add to your bottle of shampoo because it can get screwy with the formulation, stick to a daily mix instead for better results.


6. Honey

Honey, like tea tree oil can work as an anti fungal to kill off the cause of the dandruff in the first place. You can try this honey hair mask to soothe your scalp.

The massage can help get flakes off your scalp so they can be washed away and the the honey and oil can help to treat your scalp to deal with that pesky chronic dandruff.

7. Probiotics

The ability of probiotics to help your skin is astounding. Taking probiotics has been shown to improve the effects of dandruff for adults. You can opt for pill form or you can up your intake of probiotic foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha and other fermented foods.

The choice is yours. Expect better skin all over your body—not just your scalp.

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About the author


Bio: She's a New Orleans based beauty writer, nail polish hoarder, and doughnut enthusiast. When she isn't camping out in her local coffee shop for hours on end, you'll probably find her taking selfies in front of every colorful wall she's ever seen. Follow along on Instagram @allisonmarieschmidt.

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